Monday 16 April 2012

Media magazine advert

This is my Magazine advert for the song The Motto by Drake, Lil wayne and Tyga. I created the advert on Adobe Photoshop, the magazine advert is similar to the CD cover because i wanted to have the advert to have a connection with the CD cover other than the name of the song and the artists. Therefore i chose to have the image i used to create the CD cover for the magazine advert. This way the CD is advertised in a more convenient manner, also the audience and fans can recognise the CD from the magazine advert when they go to purchase the CD.

Sunday 1 April 2012

B.O.B Dre Aden music video Railing

B.O.B Dr Aden
B.O.B - Dr Aden music video:
B.O.B is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and producer from Winston Salem, North Carolina. He bases his songs mostly on real life situations and all of his songs have a story to them which is good because it gives the audience something to think about and they also have points about the society that we live in for example Dr Aden which tell a story about the 80’s case of a pharmaceutical company selling aids infected products to the public even though they knew that the medicine had the aids virus within them.
The video start off with an establishing shot of a satellite with a voice over of a man speaking on the news about a virus epidemic which went around America in the 1980 where the American government infected medicine with the HIV Aids virus and then made the pharmacies prescribe them to the public but then the medicine got banned in America, so the company sold the medicine to European and Asian countries because they had too many products produced therefore had to sell the products. 
The video then focuses on a doctor called Dr Aden, who loves her job then gets an offer from an agent to work in a top secret military medical facility for the government. It starts off with a close up of the name tag Dr Aden to introduce who will be the main character of the video, the agent who offers her the job is shown from a distance and is wearing sun glasses, this is to keep his identity hidden. B.O.B narrates the whole story in his rap as the video continues, as the Dr is working she hears a voice then looks outside the room where two agents are speaking and a close up is used to show the agent state the word “destabilisation” which worries the Dr who then goes to find out what the agent was talking about, the news reporters speak over the music video while the camera shot pans the room which the Dr is reading the private documents and as soon as the reporters state the words human testing the camera angle changes to a close up of the documents and the words human testing highlighted with special effects so that they stand out more than the other word on the letter. 


Story board for the music video

Part 1

part 2

Media Evaluation

this is my Media Evaluation