Monday 5 March 2012

Railing of Rise Against - Appeal to reason Album cover

Rise Against – Appeal to reason

Rise against is a punk rock band which are well known for their political lyrics and activism, they base most of their music about war and conflict. The name of the band Is Rise against which means that they are rising against or want people to rise against someone, this links to the lyrics on the CD which are about bringing our soldiers back from wars and politics which means that they are trying to get their audience to rise against the government so that they can stop doing bad things such as sending soldiers out to war when there is no need to.
 All of the group members are vegans and active supporters of PETA which is an animal rights organisation, they created a song called Ready to fall and for the video they have footage of factory farming, rodeos and sport hunting as well as deforestation, forest fires and melting ice caps. The group itself called it the most important video they have ever made. They were voted as by PETA as the best animal friendly band in 2009. The cover has a picture of a cow upside down with a target on it which connotes animal cruelty. The band tend to use a lot of meaningful pictures on their album covers for example the charger which is connected the baby, this means infertility using machines to make babies and the scissors cutting it means that it’s wrong to use machines to create babies and it should not be allowed.
Also the fist in the air which Rise Against use is similar to the black power movement which were against t politics and were fighting for freedom which is a coincidence because Rise Against who have a belief that everyone should have freedom that’s why they create song that have a message embedded within it and show actual footage of animals being treated horribly, hurricanes destroying people’s homes, people dead or injured and soldiers should come home to their families  instead of fighting. These are all a messages to the world to change and create a better place with peace instead of fighting.

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